Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I had this thought today: If you weren't alive, dealing with all the stuff life throws at you, what else would you be doing, staring at the lid of a coffin? At least since Cain killed Able, there's been an endless parade of injustice and ugly nastiness for men to deal with, and there's nothing new under the sun. And one may very well make the argument that the dead are better off because all this is behind them. And one may even make a better argument that the still born are better off for they never had to deal with any of it all. Maybe so, but I'm not in either category.

So what of it? Should I whine, complain and moan. "Oh poor me. Why must I be born in such evil times?" Tell me, what times were not evil? What times would you rather live in? Think about it sometime.

So maybe we can do better. Maybe so. Maybe we should try. Of course; is there a better way to live than to do good, to fight for justice and peace? But all we can do is all we can do, and it's a never ending war. And this is a long way off from my real complaint.

So what is my complaint? There are way too many whiners. I've known way too many people who feel they've be cheated in life by prejudice, poverty, the man, the system, or whatever other injustice they can come up with. I don't pretend such injustices don't exist, I've already said as much, and some are pretty bad, but most of these people have it pretty good, all in all. They just don't see it because they're focused on the negatives, real or imagined. Worse yet, they refuse to be happy until everything is fair, until all that is crooked is made straight. I hate to say it, but they'll be waiting a long time. Life has never been fair, what makes us think it will be now? On top of all this, too many of these people sit on their butts, waiting for someone else to come along and fix their problems for them, usually the government. Dit moi, would you trust your most valuable possession to a bunch of politicians and bureaucrats? So why would you trust them with your own happiness? Most people have their own problems to deal with, what gives you the right to demand they deal with your problems? If you're unhappy with your life, get off your butt and do something about it; it's your life, don't give it away to someone else.

Yes, there are people who have real problems, and who need help. I hope it is never said of me that I don't care for others, especially those in need. But all that makes this even worse. We live in a country where the poor have a higher standard of living, more freedom, and more opportunity than an incalculable vast majority of those who've graced this earth with their presence. Far too many of us, myself included at times, maybe all of us, use these things as excuses to not do anything with our lives, either because of fear, or just plain laziness.

I don't know what's worse, wannabe victims or those who refuse to be happy, who feel guilty because someone in the world may not have it as good as they do. So I have an apple and you don't, so I'll chuck my apple so we're both equal, then I'll congratulate myself on how much I care. Or, I'll eat my apple, but complain about it and try to make everyone else feel guilty about eating their apples. Either way you still have no apple. All I've done is made myself, and maybe a few others unhappy along with you. Maybe I should get over myself, stop trying to be Hercules, and be content doing what I can with what I have. The point is, we have too many do-gooders who tear everything down to make themselves feel good. There are far too many people scolding us everyday, telling us why we should feel guilty, telling us what we are doing wrong, what we are doing that will either kill us or destroy the world, telling us what new crisis we should be worried about, and how we're all victims, and how helpless we are. I've about had all I can take. But then again, I don't have to listen to them.

But what's worse than all this? Blood sucking politicians who propagate such guilt and victim hood, dress up like super man to save the day, collect the votes, and pat each other on the back for how much they care, even though they haven't fixed anything.

But enough of that. I've gone on far too long. So am I whining? Or am I doing something by writing about it? The line is very thin sometimes. Does any of this make sense, or am I mad? Yet another fine line. I guess you don't have to listen to me if you don't want.

So I'll leave you with this: do good, work hard, and enjoy what you have however little it may be. There is far too much that is good and beautiful lying right under our upturned noses to throw away.

Maybe someday I'll learn to take my own advice.

Au revoir.

1 comment:

  1. wow. Great stuff. I would love to have your input over at the kook's manifesto. stop in and have a look. I am adding you to my blog roll.

    One more piece of evidence that we are not alone; we surround them; and we are coming.
    Read. Learn. Question. THINK!
